
迪威视讯(300167):独家拥有覆盖全国光纤网络 IDC和大数据成长可期

申萬宏源研究 ·  Jun 30, 2015 00:00  · Researches

Investment highlights: Absolute core competitiveness: Exclusive ownership of a fiber-optic network covering 90% of the country's population. The company announced its exclusive cooperation agreement with Chengyi Era on June 29, 2015. Chengyi Era owns the property rights to an optical cable with a length of about 17,438 kilometers across the country and the right to use this route. The company agreed to exclusively lease the 4-core fiber core in the above optical cable and the corresponding right to use this path to Diwei Video. The network's exclusive cooperation will enable Diwei Video to have core competitiveness that no one else can surpass in various businesses. The absolute leader of the future IDC industry. The IDC industry is an absolutely market-based industry. Diwei Video also has two core competencies: low operating costs (direct power supply from Ordos 0.2 yuan/degree) and an exclusive national optical fiber network (Chengyi Era Cooperation), which will enable the IDC business to grow rapidly in the future. The exclusive national optical fiber network solves the problems of high bandwidth rental fees for customers using data centers in edge regions and inter-provincial settlement by operators. This network is an optical fiber local area network covering the whole country, independent of operators. Diwei Video's IDC business will benefit from the explosion of the IDC industry and rapid growth in the future. IDC industry integrator. Currently, there are more than 2,000 IDC parks funded by the government across the country. These parks have become information silos due to lack of nationwide bandwidth resources. In the future, Diwei Video will integrate existing IDC parks through a nationwide optical fiber network, revitalize existing IDC resources, and become an industry integrator. Big data services and operations. The announcement clearly stated that the optical fiber network is used for Diwei Video's internal network and its own business, but not limited to IDC's business. IDC customers are divided into Internet customers (BAT) and non-Internet customers. Internet customers such as BAT know the importance of data themselves, and it is impossible for the data to be operated by a third party; non-Internet customers (government agencies, traditional retail institutions, etc.) are incapable of performing data operation services, while Diwei Video's business through IDC is expected to provide data operations and services to non-Internet customers. Strong alliances in the era of Diwei Video & Chengyi. Chengyi Era excels in the construction and operation of infrastructure, and in the future, Diwei Video will continue to enrich the application of this optical fiber network through exclusive cooperation with HeChengyi, maximize the value of this network, and achieve a win-win situation. Excellent management is all in place, and execution can be expected to maintain the buying rating. Currently, the company's management is basically taken over by former Huawei employees (except the chairman). Yang Jiansan, the president, graduated from Beiyu at the 81st level. He has a deep understanding of the technology industry. His team has accumulated sufficient resources and capabilities in the industry, and the team he leads has strong execution ability. Whether it's laser display, IDC, or big data operations, there are experts leading teams, and future developments are worth looking forward to, maintaining the buying rating.

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