

申萬宏源研究 ·  Jul 1, 2015 00:00  · Researches

Investment points: The company's laser display light source advantages and the network and resource advantages of the IDC industry chain are obvious. Among A-shares, scarce companies cooperated with Chengyi Times to obtain 17,438 kilometers of optical fiber resources across the country. A nationwide network IDC is ready to be launched, and exclusive resource advantages are obvious. Continue to clearly look at the summary of the 30 billion yuan market value report: Exclusive advantages create scarce investment targets: Networked IDC is a treasure. The company announced that it has formally signed a leasing and service agreement with Beijing Chengyi Times on the nationwide optical fiber route. Chengyi Era is a leading telecom operation service and Internet access service provider in China. It has a nationwide low-level carrier network, and is a strategic partner of many operators such as China Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom, and Radio and Television Group. Chengyi Era owns the property rights of an optical cable with a length of about 17,438 kilometers across the country and the right to use this route. This time, the 4-core fiber core in the above optical cable and the corresponding right to use this path were leased exclusively to Diwei Video for a period of 20 years, making Diwei Video an IDC big data company with the advantage of national network resources. Integrating backbone network resources has strategic significance, and combined with Ordos's scale advantages, greatly enhances the competitiveness of the IDC industry. Optical fiber resources are a core element in the construction of IDC business in remote areas in Ordos. Ordos's power cost resource advantages and IDC's potential scale advantages are obvious. This time, optical fiber resources have extended IDC's tentacles to the whole country. The obvious cost advantage brought by Ordos's low resource prices cannot be ignored. Through this cooperation with Chengyi Era, the company can form the core resource layout of the Ordos IDC base plus the nationwide optical fiber network. The construction of an autonomous and controllable backbone network will gradually be implemented, and the cost-effective IDC service will have obvious competitiveness in the industry. At the same time, the national network resources have also laid the foundation and development prospects for the company's future business expansion and expansion in the field of cloud computing and big data. Maintain the “buy” rating and raise the target price! We strongly recommend embracing the growth dividends brought about by the downstream laser display and IDC business explosion. The estimated EPS from 2015 to 2017 is 0.40,0.90,1.60 yuan, maintaining the target price of 100 yuan, corresponding to the market value of 30 billion yuan!

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