
丽鹏股份(002374):“盖”是英雄 智联万物

國泰君安 ·  Jul 22, 2015 00:00  · Researches

Guide to this report: With years of technology and channel resources accumulated in the bottle cap industry, the company has entered the consumer goods mobile online marketing market by building a mobile platform linking consumers and manufacturers. First coverage, target price of 42.23 yuan, “increased holdings” rating. Investment points: For the first time, Lipeng shares were given an “increase in holdings” rating, with a target price of 42.23 yuan. The company started with consumer goods and light industry manufacturing, and has achieved a comprehensive system transformation in the direction of product flow, data flow, and information flow that satisfies consumer goods manufacturers such as anti-smuggling, anti-counterfeiting and anti-counterfeiting, integrated marketing, and data analysis and processing by leveraging the advantages of existing customer channel resources. It is estimated that the 2015-2017 EPS will be 0.42/0.75/0.91 yuan respectively, giving the company a target price of 42.23 yuan, giving the company an “increase in holdings” rating for the first time. The advantages of technology and service are in line with the general trend of replacing aluminum caps, and the non-liquor market is building a broad blue ocean. Since aluminum bottle caps have the characteristics of low cost and high safety, the replacement process has begun abroad, and it is hoped that this path will be replicated domestically. With years of development, the company has become one of the few domestic capping companies that have mastered core technology. At the same time, the company adheres to the strategy of having factories behind the existing market and has set up factories at various points in areas where major customers are concentrated, so as to achieve zero-distance customer connections. As domestic alcohol consumers become younger, non-liquor markets such as wine and beer have gradually become new favorites. The company has followed the trend and actively explored the non-liquor market. It has now entered the fields of beer, wine, soft drinks, and edible oil, etc., and while calming the volatility of the liquor market, it has entered a wider blue ocean of FMCG products while calming the volatility of the liquor market. QR code+app enters mobile marketing, and multiple models achieve comprehensive monetization. By printing QR codes on bottle caps, the company realizes multiple monetization models: product circulation through QR codes can be traceable and expected to share corporate anti-counterfeiting expenses; by constructing a face-to-face communication platform between consumers and manufacturers, it is hoped to lead to mobile advertising business growth; data collection on the entire raw materials, production, distribution, and consumption industry chain, big data technology is expected to bring accurate marketing on the 2C side and optimization of production processes and marketing models on the 2B side. Risk warning: fluctuating costs, liquor market, slow internet progress or uncertainty

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