
生意宝(002095)中报点评:生态圈布局进一步深化 交易平台前景可期

光大證券 ·  Aug 21, 2015 00:00  · Researches

Incidents: The company released its semi-annual report and achieved operating income of 72,902,957.98 yuan, a decrease of 18.33% over the same period; the company realized net profit of 17,217,019.22 yuan, a decrease of 14.61% over the same period.? Performance was in line with expectations: In the first half of 2015, overall revenue declined due to a decline in revenue from chemical trade services and exhibition revenue, and a decline in net profit due to a decline in main business revenue and losses from associated companies. Overall, the company's original business remained stable. Helping traditional enterprises transform and strengthen ecosystem stickiness: It is planned to jointly invest in the establishment of a joint venture with Juhua Co., Ltd. to jointly build an e-commerce platform, an Internet supply chain management platform, and an Internet financial platform serving Juhua Co., Ltd., which is conducive to promoting the deepening cooperation between the company and Juhua Co., Ltd., giving full play to the complementary advantages of both sides, and better meeting the needs of the company's Internet finance business and B2B online trading business. Signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Ningbo Port to jointly build and operate the “Ningbo Port Liquid Chemical Trading Market”; relying on the Netsheng bulk trading platform, the “Ningbo Port Liquid Chemical Trading Market” was developed and built into an advanced trading platform combining online liquid chemical transactions, online payment and settlement, and Internet finance, and gradually developed and operated the “Ningbo Port Liquid Chemical Trading Market” into the most influential domestic liquid chemical trading market with the participation of traders from all over the country, providing trading customers with more comprehensive trading services such as big data, Internet finance, e-commerce, logistics and warehousing, etc. The company's overall competitiveness in B2B e-commerce. The commodity trading platform continues to improve: the commodity trading platform completed platform construction, system improvement, technical testing, etc. in 2014. Internal testing and operation will be carried out in the first half of 2015. In the second half of 2015, spot transactions, contract transactions, and market transactions will be launched in batches, and various payment methods such as cash, notes, and financing will be introduced one after another. Information search and matching before transactions, performance guarantees during transactions, financial leasing, and post-transaction logistics delivery will be fully completed, and the non-standard commodity trading platform will begin to take shape. Valuation and ratings: EPS is expected to be 0.11, 0.19, and 0.31 yuan in 2015-17, maintaining the buying rating. Risk warning: Cooperation progress falls short of expectations, and business development falls short of expectations.

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