
皖通科技(002331)中报点评:业绩符合预期 静待转型提速

光大證券 ·  Aug 28, 2015 00:00  · Researches

The company released its semi-annual report: it achieved operating income of 288,950,086.53 yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 8.45%; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 23,401,015.17 yuan, an increase of 7.10% over the previous year. Performance growth is in line with expectations: the company insists on expanding and strengthening its traditional main business, relies on brand and technical advantages in the field of transportation informatization, and vigorously expands strategic regional markets. Performance growth is in line with market expectations. The field of highway informatization is expanding smoothly: the company focuses on the “Silk Road Economic Belt” area, developing markets in Shaanxi, Henan, Guizhou, Hubei, Tibet and other places, and has successively won bids for the National Highway Electronic Toll Network Project, the Henan Toll and Loan Repayment Expressway Management Center electronic no-stop toll system project, the section under the jurisdiction of Guizhou Expressway Group Co., Ltd., the mechanical and electrical project for the Lichuan-Hubei Expressway section of the Lichuan to Hubei Expressway, Tibet Autonomous Region, etc.; Informatization Accelerate transformation in the field: By participating in projects such as the National Container Sea-Rail Intermodal Transport Internet of Things Application (Tianjin Port) and the Jingtang Port EDI platform, etc., we maintain the market share of ports along the “Maritime Silk Road”, and at the same time accelerate the construction of the “China Port Logistics Information Service Platform”. Through data accumulation and in-depth exploration of port, ship, and logistics information, port logistics enterprise eDiSaaS centers are built to provide a full range of information services to port logistics participants. The “Internet +” transportation ecosystem continues to improve: in May 2015, it participated in the establishment of the Internet Industry Fund - Beijing Qingke Zhida Investment Management Center, which focuses on mobile Internet and next-generation Internet and other start-ups in high-growth industries; in June 2015, it participated in the establishment of Anhui Xingyun World Technology Co., Ltd. to actively explore new models of public travel and automotive aftermarket services and accelerate the construction of an ecosystem for the entire transportation service industry chain. Valuation and ratings: Optimistic about the company's internal growth and extension to create a benchmark for “Internet +” transportation transformation. The 2015-17 EPS is expected to be 0.31, 0.38, and 0.48 yuan, maintaining the buying rating. Risk warning: Business development falls short of expectations.

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