
深度*公司*海王生物(000078):持续推进GPO采购业务 业绩增长无忧

Depth * Company * Sea King Biology (000078): continue to promote the growth of GPO procurement business performance without worry

中銀國際 ·  Aug 29, 2016 00:00  · Researches


Haiwang Biological (000078.CH/ 7.18 yuan, unrated) released its mid-2016 report that during the reporting period, the company achieved revenue of 6.36 billion yuan, an increase of 17.86% over the same period last year, and a net profit of 100 million yuan belonging to shareholders of listed companies, an increase of 81.62% over the same period last year. The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-recurring profits and losses was 103 million yuan, an increase of 101.24% over the same period last year.

We communicate with senior executives about the company's reported performance. [main points of investigation]

Introduction to the basic situation of the company-the first company to adopt GPO mode to carry out sunshine centralized distribution.

The company is the core listed subsidiary of Shenzhen Haiwang Group, the main business includes pharmaceutical commercial circulation, pharmaceutical manufacturing, health products and food, medical devices. The company is the first in the industry to use GPO (centralized Purchasing Organization Group Purchasing Operation,GPO) model to carry out sunshine centralized distribution business. After years of development, the company has formed pharmaceutical research and development, pharmaceutical manufacturing, commercial circulation and other industrial platforms.

In the field of pharmaceutical research and development: based on the existing R & D department of Haiwang, we have invested in the establishment of Haiwang Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd and Haiwang Drug consistency Evaluation and Research Center.

In the field of pharmaceutical manufacturing: Haiwang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Haiwang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Haiwang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and Hangzhou Haiwang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. are spun off from the listed companies and put back into the group; Haiwang Fu Medicine and Haiwang Health Technology have become the main sources of profit in the pharmaceutical manufacturing plate. Haiwang Fuyao is one of the largest pharmaceutical preparation manufacturers in Fujian Province, and the scale of large infusion preparation ranks first in Fujian Province, with a certain scale advantage. Haiwang Health Technology is mainly focused on infant nutrition food research and product development, is a research and development, production, sales, service as one of the infant food professional enterprises, with leading innovation and R & D capabilities, rigorous manufacturing experience.

Commercial circulation: pharmaceutical business is the main source of revenue of the company. It has established a business model based on sunshine centralized distribution business, supplemented by traditional medicine pure sales distribution and distribution allocation, and formed a business model with Shandong as the core. Covering Henan, Hubei, Anhui, Jilin, Heilongjiang and other provinces. The company is the earliest company to become a hospital centralized procurement, sunshine distribution platform (GPO) enterprises. The company will continue to promote the "sunshine centralized distribution business", continue to expand other blank markets in Shandong Province, maintain its leading position in medicine circulation in Shandong Province, and open up new markets such as Hubei, Anhui, Northeast and Jiangsu through mergers and acquisitions and new means.

Precision Healthcare: the company owns a stake in Provision, a tumor proton therapy company, and sets up a joint venture to gain exclusive management rights in China, extending into the field of tumor proton therapy.

Background introduction of major shareholders-Shenzhen Haiwang Group is the largest shareholder of the company. it has three listed companies: Neptune Biology, Neptune Interlon and Neptune Xingchen, among which Haiwang Xingchen is listed on NASDAQ and has been privatized. In addition, the Group also has the whole Pharmaceutical Network, which has been selected as the purchasing organization of Shenzhen Public Hospital Pharmaceutical Group, and will undertake the centralized procurement of drugs in Shenzhen public hospitals. The group positioning is a large group enterprise with the competitive advantage of the whole industry chain in the domestic pharmaceutical industry, which covers the complete industrial chain of product research and development, pharmaceutical manufacturing, pharmaceutical commercial circulation and chain retail. Brand value, Haiwang brand has topped the list of the 500 most valuable pharmaceutical brands in China for 12 consecutive years, and the latest brand value has reached more than 56 billion yuan.

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