
东安动力(600178)点评:9月销量加速增长 预计Q4维持高增速

興業證券 ·  Oct 13, 2016 00:00  · Researches

Key investment events: The company announced production and sales data for September. The headquarters sold 31,000 engines, an increase of 189.59% over the previous year, an increase of 103.25% over the previous year, a cumulative increase of 122.27% in 2016; the shareholding company Dongan Mitsubishi sold 39,600 engines, an increase of 38.61% over the previous year, an increase of 102.54% over the previous year, and a cumulative increase of 32.22% in 2016. Changan MPV continues to increase, and the volume of shipments at the headquarters is growing at an accelerated pace. Automobile sales entered the traditional peak season in September, and the production and sales volume of the company's downstream customers increased rapidly. Changan Auchan, an important supporting model, produced 11,300 units in September, an increase of 14.10% over the previous year. The volume increase is progressing smoothly. Due to its high cost performance ratio, there is still room for growth in sales volume. Hebei Changan produced 6169 vehicles, an increase of 60.61% over the previous year. Furthermore, the sales volume of BAIC MPV models in September was also quite impressive. Changan SUVs are popular, and Dongan Mitsubishi's sales volume is growing steadily. Changan's various SUVs supplied by Dongan Mitsubishi, a shareholder company, are popular. In September, CS35 production was 171,000 units, up 13.68% year on year, up 11 times month on month; CS75 production was 25,300 units, up 48.10% year on year, up 213.30% month on month, and CX70 production was 12,000 units. Onuo's production was 11,500 units, up 14.78% year on year and 92.16% month on month. An inflection point in performance was established, and the “increase in holdings” rating was maintained. After Changan Group became the controlling shareholder of the company, the company switched from an independent engine supplier to focus on internal support within the group. The long-term growth momentum became more stable, and the second quarter achieved its first profit in five years. In the first three quarters, the company followed the increase in the volume of downstream supporting models and was expected to maintain a high growth rate in the fourth quarter. The 6AT transmission road test is progressing smoothly, which will open up broad room for growth for the company. The 2016-2018 EPS is expected to be 0.32/0.54/0.71 yuan respectively, maintaining the “increase in holdings” rating. Risk warning: Decline in sales of supporting models

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