
天汽模(002510)事件点评:并购进入汽车内外饰件模具领域 提升成长空间

Comment on Tian Steam Model (002510) event: M & An enters the field of automobile interior and exterior accessories mould to enhance the growth space

渤海證券 ·  Dec 16, 2016 00:00  · Researches


The company issued a notice: it intends to issue shares to all shareholders of Chaoda equipment and purchase 100% equity of Chaoda equipment at an issue price of 6.50 yuan per share; at the same time, it intends to raise supporting funds from no more than 10 specific investors by way of inquiry, the total amount raised shall not exceed 469 million yuan, and the issue price shall not be less than 6.50 yuan per share.


The underlying assets are the leading domestic high-quality target for automotive internal and external decoration parts, with a large scale 1) Chaoda equipment is a leading supplier of automotive internal and external decoration moulds, mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of automotive internal and external decoration moulds, automobile inspection tools and interior automatic tooling equipment. In 2015, the operating income was 242 million yuan, and the net profit of yoy+12.88%, was 47.2685 million yuan. Yoy+40.74%, grew rapidly, and the net interest rate was 19.52%, which was significantly higher than that of the company. 2) We believe that, with the help of this M & A, on the one hand, the company can extend from automobile panel moulds to the field of internal and external decoration moulds, which will help to enhance the future growth space and improve the overall profitability; on the other hand, Chaoda equipment customers are mainly domestic and foreign mainstream automobile internal and external decoration companies, and the company is mainly mainstream vehicle customers, which can produce good customer synergy, which is conducive to the rapid development of both sides' business. 3) the performance commitment of the underlying assets is that the net profit deducted from 2016 to 2018 is not less than RMB 5750, 6600 and 75.7 million yuan, corresponding to 13 times PE in 2017. Considering the quality and large scale of the underlying asset customers, we believe that the valuation is more reasonable.

Keep earnings forecasts and ratings unchanged

As M & A matters still need to be approved, we will not consider M & An assets for the time being and keep the profit forecast unchanged: the company's EPS in 2016-18 is expected to be 0.22, 0.29, 0.40 yuan per share, corresponding to 25 times of PE in 2017, maintaining the "overweight" rating. The weak cycle target of the automobile industry, the order on hand is still sufficient, and the export will continue to grow rapidly in the future. the long-term strategic goal is to become the new "flagship" of the world automobile mold industry with complete facilities, strong technical strength and complete industrial chain.

Risk hints: domestic and export mold business growth is lower than expected; cost growth is higher than expected; convertible bond project production progress is lower than expected; M & An integration risk; exchange rate risk.

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