Business summary
Yujia Holdings operates in Hong Kong as a major subcontractor for board assembly and related ancillary services, and has accumulated more than 22 years of experience. According to the Ipsos report, the Group accounted for about 9.7% of the total market share of the Hong Kong industry in the financial year ending March 31, 2016. The Group's direct customers were the chief contractors of building construction and civil engineering projects, and the end customers were the owners of the project, including the government, public transport operators, theme park and resort group operators, and property developers. Develop and develop on your own with many large-scale construction projects The building construction and code processing system has also been registered as a patent and held by the Group.
Competitive advantage
A strong track record of handling a wide range of major construction projects and stable relationships with building materials suppliers and subcontractors is committed to inventing and improving construction methods
Risk Factors
The business relies on a successful bid for a template project, and there is no guarantee that existing customers will provide new business or acquire new customers for the group
The group's business is project-based, and fees and profits are determined by the terms of the contract project, which are not necessarily of a fixed term nature
The group has a concentrated customer base, and any decrease in the number of items with the five major customers will adversely affect operating and financial results
Use of proceeds
Approximately 27.8% was used for existing formwork projects located in Yau Tsim Wong District
Approximately 41.7% was used to purchase approximately 4,000 square feet of office property within 12 months of listing
Approximately 10.2% is used to invest in new information technology systems
Approximately 10.6% is used to redeem part of unpaid bank loans and loan leases
Approximately 9.7% is used as general working capital