

Daimo: SOHO China's (00410-HK) stock price is expected to rise within 60 days

摩根士丹利 ·  Nov 16, 2016 15:03  · Researches

Morgan Stanley published a research report. It is expected that the stock price of SOHO China (00410.HK) will rise within 60 days, with an opportunity rate of about 60% to 70%. The reason is that it is expected that the company's asset sale plan will progress, speeding up the release of asset value, which is beneficial for narrowing the net asset value per share (NAV) discount. The bank is expected to be attracted by potential special interest from sales proceeds, equivalent to a dividend yield of 11% from 2016 to 2019, giving SOHO China an “increase in holdings” rating, with a target price of 5 yuan.

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