

摩根士丹利 ·  Jan 14, 2016 16:19  · Researches

Daimo published a report listing the latest ratings and target prices for energy and chemical stocks: stocks | ratings | target price Sinopec (00386.HK) increase ratings, target price 5.16 yuan CNOOC (00883.HK) increase ratings, target price 8.74 yuan, refining (02386.HK) increase ratings, target price 8.15 yuan, petrochemical (00338.HK) increase ratings. Target price is 4.18 yuan, CNPC (00857.HK) is rated at 4.07. Yuan CNOOC Service (02883.HK) and Simultaneous market ratings. The target price is 4.99 yuan, Sinopec Fertilizer (00297.HK) is rated simultaneously with the market, the target price is 1.33 yuan, CNOOC (03983.HK) is rated simultaneously with the market, the target price is 2.19 yuan, Sinopec Guande (00934.HK) is rated simultaneously with the market, and the target price is 4.99 yuan, Hailong Holdings (01623.HK) is rated simultaneously with the market. The target price is 1.36 yuan, Sinopec Oil Service (1033.HK) is rated at the same time as the market. 2 yuan Huayu Energy (01251.HK) and big Simultaneous market ratings, target price 0.59 yuan Honghua Group (00196.HK) holdings reduction rating, target price 0.34 yuan

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