

第一創業 ·  Apr 20, 2012 00:00  · Researches

Profit forecasting and ratings have entered 12 years, and the company's fund-raising and production capacity will enter the release period. The company's orders are currently quite full, and in the next two years, with the introduction of additional production capacity, its performance will continue to grow at a high level. We made a profit forecast for the company based on the company's current production capacity, on-hand orders, and product price trend expectations. We expect the company to achieve EPS of 0.29 yuan, 0.64 yuan, and 0.98 yuan respectively in 2012, 2013, and 2014, corresponding to current price-earnings ratios of 25X, 11.19X, and 7.36X, respectively. Considering the company's high growth potential and broad development space, and at the same time, there are policy incentives in the short term, we believe that the company's valuation is undervalued, giving the company a “highly recommended” rating. Risk warning: 1. Affected by downstream demand, the company's new production capacity sales volume fell short of our expectations; 2. The content of the new fire prevention policy was not in line with our expectations.

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