

民族證券 ·  Jul 18, 2011 00:00  · Researches

The company has a stable middle and senior management team that is optimistic about the future development of the company. The company's middle and senior management team, headed by Chairman Chen Jingming (with 15 years of experience in pig trade and breeding), had they followed Chairman Chen Jingming from the beginning of their business in Dakang Animal Husbandry, or had they worked in Dakang Animal Husbandry since entering the workplace, there was even a phenomenon of “father and son soldiers, and the whole family participating.” As a traditional industry that needs to bear both natural risks and market risks, it is relatively difficult to attract professional managers from outside (profit constraints and a relatively poor working environment). A stable, self-nurturing, and highly cohesive management team is the key to supporting the company's long-term steady development. A relatively complete incentive system is the internal driving force for the stable and continuous growth of the company team. At the beginning of the company's listing, the company solved the problem of continuous incentives for the core team through employee participation (mainly middle and senior management); the relatively high wage and labor income of frontline employees (about 20,000 yuan per year for breeders, 17,800 yuan per capita) gave necessary financial rewards to employees/farmers who performed well and were happy to cooperate, making the company highly attractive; on the basis that the “economic contract” reached the necessary level, the “psychological contract” centered on corporate culture strengthened the relationship between employees and the company and amplified the “economic contract.” The company has good regional advantages to reduce the risk of epidemic diseases and the cost of epidemic prevention in pig farming. The company is located in a mountainous area in western Xiangxi, close to Xuefeng Mountain, so it can make full use of natural barriers to carry out epidemic prevention work; many mountains and “inconvenient” transportation also reduce the company's risk of the epidemic, which can appropriately save on epidemic prevention costs. A complete industrial chain, early completion of fund-raising projects, complete product grades, and shareholder characteristics are the four major highlights of the company's future development. 1. The whole industry chain can improve the stability of performance growth. The company has a pig industry chain system covering feed production, primary breeding, pig breeding expansion, piglet breeding, fattening pig breeding, and slaughter processing. Among them, pig breeding products (demand volume and profit margin are relatively stable) are “stabilizers” of the company's performance. Piglet breeding, fattening pig breeding, and slaughter processing can adjust the business structure according to fluctuations in pig prices, thereby ensuring the relative stability of overall performance. 2. The fund-raising project was completed ahead of schedule, and the company's development is expected to accelerate further. The slaughter production line with a slaughter capacity of 400,000 heads in a single shift is undergoing equipment installation and commissioning, and is expected to be put into operation ahead of schedule (the company originally planned to be the end of 2010); the company acquired Huaihua Xinkang Animal Husbandry, Hunan Yongchang Prologue Ecological Breeding, Shimen County Shengwangda Pig Breeding Farm, and Li County Ping'an Pig Breeding Farm on March 2, April 7, and June 10, respectively. Pig production capacity has expanded rapidly, shortening the time required to complete the 300,000-head ecological pig community construction project (the new pig farm takes a long time to complete land leasing, environmental protection pig introduction and evaluation) (Complicated work); Foreign recruitment This type of work has also entered the agenda. 3. The product grade is complete, enhancing the company's development momentum. The local pig in Ning already has a core population size of more than 500 heads. It is expected that in 2011, between 5,000 and 8,000 heads will be released. The sales price is far higher than that of ordinary pork, and the market demand is growing well; the pollution-free pig production system targeting Changzhu Tan has basically taken shape. With the completion of the slaughter and processing project, a middle- and high-grade pig industry chain targeting rational consumers with medium and high income is about to be formed. 4. The second and third largest shareholders with Hunan's state-owned capital background can help the company develop. There are two main signs of support. One is that it helps the company's pigs and pork products enter core markets in Hunan, such as Changzhu Tan, and the other is that it provides the possibility for the company's future cross-regional functional layout. The EPS for 2011, 2012, and 2013 is estimated to be 0.56 yuan, 0.68 yuan, and 1.17 yuan, respectively, and the dynamic price-earnings ratio is 32.72 times, 27.16 times, and 15.71 times, respectively. The valuation is basically reasonable, but considering the steady expansion prospects of large-scale farming and the company's better future growth, it is given an “increase in holdings” rating.

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