

中銀國際證券 ·  Nov 17, 2010 00:00  · Researches

We believe that as a supplier of household appliance parts, the company is different from traditional home appliance terminal product manufacturers, and that it is less affected by the macroeconomy. However, at present, the supply of structural parts suppliers accounts for a relatively small proportion of the demand for structural parts, and the future market space is broad. The company plans to reach 10 billion yuan in sales revenue in 2015, of which black electricity, white electricity and automobile structural parts account for 6:3:1. We expect that the average growth rate of the company's performance over the next five years will remain above 30%. Faced with the problem of insufficient production capacity, we have determined that the company may increase production capacity through acquisitions or overseas factories. At the same time, as a leader in the structural parts industry, the company is expected to benefit from industry integration in the future. The market has fluctuated drastically recently, but the company's stock price performance has been steady. We are optimistic about the company's long-term development. We believe that based on the current market forecast of average earnings of 0.6 yuan per share next year, the current stock price of 14.62 yuan is still attractive, corresponding to a valuation of 24 times in 11 years.

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