

民生證券 ·  Apr 24, 2014 00:00  · Researches

1. Overview of the incident The company issued an announcement. Recently, it received the “Approval on Establishing the Northeast Region (Liaoning) Cluster Communication System Mobilization Center” from the National Economic Mobilization Office, agreeing to rely on the company to establish the Northeast Region (Liaoning) Cluster Communication System Mobilization Center, which means that the company has taken another step towards the military market and military industry. 2. Analysis and judgment: Military-civilian integration, with the military as the main focus, helps companies move into the military industry. Currently, national security issues are receiving increasing attention. The establishment of the Central National Security Committee marks that national security work has risen to the level of coordination at the top level. Meanwhile, the cluster communication system mobilization center will become an important part of the implementation of national security work at the local level. This mobilization center is based in Liaoning and faces the northeast. Currently, there is only one in Liaoning. The company takes integrated military and civilian development as its guiding philosophy, promotes the technological transformation and upgrading of emergency cluster communication system equipment in accordance with the requirements of “normal service, emergency response, and wartime response”, and forms maximum delivery capacity for emergency response support through independent construction. In March of this year, the company just obtained the “Weapons and Equipment Research and Production License” issued by the National Defense Administration of Science, Technology, and Industry, and is qualified to carry out weapons equipment research and production activities within the scope of the license. The current construction of a mobilization center is also military-civilian integration, with the military as the main focus, which is conducive to the company's further advancement into the military industry. At the same time, it is also conducive to enhancing the company's comprehensive strength and further consolidating the company's operational capabilities in the field of communication systems. The old-age care informatization platform starts from point to point. The old-age care business has entered a stage of rapid revenue growth. The old-age service informatization network platform is the cornerstone of the construction of a “virtual nursing home.” The company has set up institutions in Nanjing, Tianjin, Gansu, and Yunnan, and has set up a “virtual pension” operation service platform with the elderly, the government, operators and service providers to provide old-age care services through mobile phones and information management for the elderly. Next, the company will lay out its business in Chongqing, Fujian, Hainan, Liaoning, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Hubei and other places to gradually form a nationwide network platform for old-age care informatization, and the revenue of the old-age care business will enter a stage of rapid growth in the revenue of the old-age care business. ? The traditional network coverage industry is recovering. The sensor network business is worth expecting that with the deepening of 4G network construction, the construction of the three major operator room subsystems will expand on a large scale in 2014, and the company's communication network coverage business will enter a period of recovery and explosion; the coverage business of radio and television operators will achieve accelerated payback in 2014; the industrial sensor network will target the four major industries of petroleum, chemical, electric power, and metallurgy, providing four major businesses based on WIA-PA wireless network products, wireless sensors, WIA-PA IC chips, and integrated services, which have become new performance growth points. 3. Profit forecasts and investment recommendations expect the company to achieve net profit of 72 million yuan, 100 million yuan and 133 million yuan respectively in 2014-2016; realized earnings per share of 0.2 yuan, 0.28 yuan and 0.37 yuan respectively. Maintaining the “Highly Recommended” rating, the reasonable valuation range is 10 yuan to 11 yuan. 4. Risk warning: The boom in the Internet premium coverage industry has been delayed; the development of the pension business market has fallen short of expectations.

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