

天相投資 ·  Oct 26, 2009 00:00  · Researches

Overview of results for the first three quarters of 2009. The consolidated statement of the company's three-quarter report from January to September 2009 reflected operating income of 1,489 million yuan, up 9.77% year on year; net profit attributable to parent company was 17.05 million yuan, up 42.87% year on year. The basic earnings per share was $0.025. The company's performance is in line with the profit forecast in the company's interim report. The increase in net profit was faster than the increase in operating income, mainly due to a decrease in the cost ratio during the period. Overview of the company's fundamentals: The company's business includes real estate development, construction, biomedicine, etc. According to the company's annual report, the company was able to sell 43,000 square meters of construction area at the beginning of the year, worth about 700 million yuan. Considering the recovery of the real estate market during the year, it is expected that the value of the company's real estate resources will increase dramatically. The company decided to suspend the sale of Sihuan Pharmaceutical's assets. Pengtai Investment, the majority shareholder of the company, promised to buy Sihuan Pharmaceutical again at a price of not less than 400 million yuan when conditions are ripe. If other potential investors participate in the bidding, the principle is that the one with the higher price wins. Real estate sales may be poor: The company did not disclose specific sales of real estate projects. However, in terms of cash flow, in the first three quarters, the company received 1,161 billion yuan in cash for the sale of goods and the provision of labor services, a decrease of about 20% over the previous year; the company's advance payments were also only 291 million yuan. We do not expect much revenue to be settled during the year. A number of lawsuits are involved: Of the 7 lawsuits against Zhongguancun Construction mentioned in the September 9 announcement: 2 have been mediated, and the company has paid about 5.57 million yuan for this; 5 cases are still under trial, involving an amount of about 28.52 million yuan (excluding litigation costs), and there is great uncertainty about the impact on the company's profits. The company is expected to achieve marginal profit in 2009. Currently, the company is involved in many lawsuits, and the PB has exceeded 6 times, so the valuation is unattractive. We will re-evaluate the investment value of the company's early stage 1 land development project after it enters the settlement cycle.

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