
【海通证券】鑫茂科技(000836):风机叶片第一股 刮起资本市场的风电风暴

海通證券 ·  Jul 3, 2007 00:00  · Researches

  According to our profit forecast, the company's earnings per share for 2007-2009 were 0.35 yuan, 0.66 yuan, and 1.19 yuan, of which fan blade products contributed 9.56%, 18.98%, and 34.55%. According to the 2008 valuation levels of 100 times P/E, 25 times P/E, 25 times P/E, 40 times P/E, and 25 times P/E for fan blades, industrial real estate development, optical fiber, software, and security facilities, the company's target price is 28.00 yuan, which is currently underestimated by 62.69%, so it continues to maintain a “buy” rating.

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