

山西證券 ·  Aug 18, 2009 00:00  · Researches

Key investment points: In the first half of 2009, the company achieved net profit of 10.6438 million yuan, an increase of 47.54% over the previous year. Among them, in the second quarter, the company achieved net profit attributable to the parent company of 6.056 million yuan, an increase of 31.83% over the previous quarter. The transportation business forms the company's main business, down 1.37% compared with the same period last year, but in the short term, the company still has a comparative advantage in inland passenger traffic and passenger transportation. The company has 35 ships on the Shenchong route, with an average of more than 260 sailings per day, and 6 ports. The passenger market share has reached 75%, and the vehicle market share has reached 80%. The main reason for the increase in the company's net profit was the decline in oil prices compared to the same period last year and the reduction in financial expenses, which led to a 2.00% year-on-year decrease in the company's operating costs, which was higher than the 1.31% drop in operating income. We believe that oil prices will be mainly stable in the second half of the year, and there is little chance of a sharp rise, which will help the company to better control fuel costs. The construction of the Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel (Chongming River Crossing Corridor) project is expected to open in 2010, bringing both opportunities and great challenges to the company's main business. The company has formulated medium- and long-term development plans to ensure the company's sustainable development after the opening of the Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel. Based on the policy stimulus received in the early stages, the company's stock price rose too much and was temporarily given a “neutral” rating. However, the opening of the Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel brought the company not only challenges, but also opportunities. Coupled with the Chongming Island development plan, it also brought some room for development to the company's ecotourism, catering and other businesses, and investors are advised to pay attention for a long time.

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