

申萬宏源 ·  Jan 15, 2010 00:00  · Researches

The company announced the board of directors resolution and will continue to push forward major asset restructuring and acquire China Aviation Biao, Fenglei and Tianyi. At the same time, the company predicts that in 2009, the company will achieve a 50%-70% increase in net profit attributable to the owners of the parent company compared to 2008. The direction of asset consolidation will not change, in line with our earlier expectations. The company's major asset restructuring was rejected on December 29, 2009. At the time, we thought that the denial of the acquisition would only delay the company's acquisition of group assets for a short period of time, but it would not change the direction of the company's asset integration, and the non-public offering of shares to buy assets would continue. This Board resolution is in line with our expectations. The company is gradually becoming clear as the asset integration platform for the General Aviation Group. The company's “Announcement Report on Major Asset Restructuring and Non-public Issuance of Shares to Purchase Assets and Related Transactions” clearly states that as a listed company in the general aviation sector of AVIC, the company has the advantage of enjoying general aviation resources; furthermore, in a situation where AVIC is actively promoting capitalization operations, the company is likely to become an important platform for the integration of AVIC's general assets. It can be said that the company's positioning is gradually becoming clear, and it will benefit from the asset integration of the General Aviation Group in the future and become an important force in the Chinese general aviation market. I am optimistic about the development of the general aviation industry. Due to the lack of open airspace, China's general aviation industry is developing slowly. However, the stratification of airspace in 2010, industry support from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the improvement of the general aviation system by the General Aviation Administration give us reason that a period of rapid development of the general aviation industry is approaching. We expect China's general aviation aircraft demand to be in line with a growth rate of more than 20% over the next 10 years. Investment ratings and valuations. Short-term setbacks in asset consolidation have not changed our optimism about the company's future positioning and long-term development prospects. Assuming that the company completed asset acquisition in 2010, the simulated EPS for 2009 was 0.62 yuan, the company's EPS for 2010 and 2011 was 0.82 yuan and 0.94 yuan respectively, and the corresponding dynamic PE was 35 times, 26 times, and 23 times, which is still lower than the average PE of military stocks in 2010, it is still recommended to increase holdings.

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