

國金證券 ·  Oct 26, 2006 00:00  · Researches

Cooperation with Schneider has brought about drastic changes in the company's operations, mainly reflected in the expansion of market sales volume, increased sales price, and improved cost control; the company's sales volume is expected to maintain a compound growth of 40% over the next three years. In addition to the original domestic market of more than 200,000 units per year, joint venture circuit breakers and other related companies may consume more than 100,000 arc extinguishers every year in the future. Furthermore, Schneider's global sales system will help the company develop overseas markets;... the sales price of arc extinguishers will maintain an upward trend. The “Baoguang+MerlingerIn” dual brand strategy that the company may adopt in the future will raise the average selling price. Please refer to the text for the detailed analysis; approval of the joint venture by relevant ministries and departments is a key point to pay attention to in the near future, and with the beginning of the stock reform, Schneider's gradual clarification of the company's business strategy will help to understand the company's value from a deeper level;.. according to our predictive analysis, the company expects to achieve earnings of 0.129 yuan per share in 2006, 0.661 yuan in 2008;.. combined with the industry valuation level and the company As for the future development trend, we estimate the company's valuation range of 13.22 to 15.63 yuan, and recommend a forced purchase.

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