Since we first covered the company, there have been some changes in the company's operations and external environment. Based on our recent visit to the company again, we have adjusted some of the assumptions of the model; adjusted the amount of arc extinguishers used in the joint venture to 64,800 in 2007 and 82,800 in 2008; slightly reduced the sales volume of the Merlin brand arc extinguishing chambers to 22,000 units in 2007, raised the price of similar brands of comparable companies; raised the sales volume of the 2008 Merlin brand; slightly reduced the cost of the Baoguang brand and raised the estimated cost of the Merlin brand . Based on the above analysis, the company is expected to achieve earnings of 0.092 yuan in 2006; 0.401 yuan per share in 2007, and 0.736 yuan per share in 2008; maintain the target price of 13.22 to 15.63 yuan as set out in the initial report.
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