
瑞士信贷上调精电(0710.HK) 目标价至3.75港元

Credit Suisse raises the target price of 0710.HK to HK $3.75

瑞士信貸 ·  Aug 19, 2009 16:02  · Researches

Credit Suisse raised its target price for 0710.HK to HK $3.75 from HK $2.70, keeping it above the broader market rating.

Credit Suisse said that Fine Electric, like 0179.HK, was a share benefiting from the recovery of the auto industry and that since more than 55 per cent of its recurrent profits came from car display products, it was expected to reduce its cost structure after a plant restructuring in the second half of 2009, while revenue would grow, driven by increased contribution from South Korea and China and further recovery in western car markets.

Credit Suisse said Jingdian's share price was extremely low, equivalent to a price-to-earnings ratio of 4.7 times for fiscal 2010. Jingdian fell 8.0 per cent to HK $2.53 yesterday.

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