
ETF收评 | AI应用端领涨,影视ETF涨超3%,光伏ETF全线下挫

ETF review | AI applications led the way, film and television ETFs rose more than 3%, and photovoltaic ETFs fell across the board

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 5, 2023 15:32
Gelonghui, June 5, 丨 The trends of the three major A-share indices diverged today. At the close, the Shanghai Index rose 0.07%, the Shenzhen Index fell 0.47%, and the GEM Index fell 1.39%. The full day turnover of the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets was 873.8 billion yuan, a decrease of 66.8 billion yuan from the previous trading day, and Northbound Capital had net sales of 1,215 billion yuan. On the market, AI applications are once again active, with the media and gaming sectors leading the way, and communications concept stocks fluctuated and strengthened. Travel stocks fluctuated and rebounded, and Chinese medicine stocks fluctuated at the end of the session. On the downside, consumer stocks such as liquor were trending sluggishly, leaving the liquor industry to a halt. In terms of ETFs, the AI application side continues to be active. The Cathay Pacific Fund Film and Television ETF and the Yinhua Fund Film and Television ETF rose 3.29% and 3.24% respectively, the Guangfa Media ETF rose 2.14%, and the Cathay Pacific Fund game ETF rose 2%. Commodity ETFs continued their rise, and soybean meal ETFs rose 3.03%. Japanese stocks reached new highs. The Nikkei 225 ETF eFunda rose 2.44%, while the ICBC Credit Suisse Fund Nikkei ETF and Huaxia Fund Nikkei ETF rose 2.28% and 2.21% respectively. New energy circuit stocks fell into adjustment. PV ETFs were green across the board, and PV 30 ETF and PV 50 ETF all fell 2.35%. Liquor stocks are trending weakly, with beverage ETFs falling 2.15% and alcohol ETFs falling 2.05%.

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