

Is ChatGPT “more thunder and less rain” in the US? Pew Research Center: A lot of people have heard of it, not many people have personally used it

Wallstreet News ·  May 31, 2023 20:21

Source: Wall Street News

There are a lot of people who “say” ChatGPT, but how many people “use” ChatGPT? Pew Research Center, a world-renowned research institution, recently published a detailed survey.

According to the results of a survey conducted by the agency in March,About 58% of American adults are familiar with or have heard of ChatGPT, but the number of people who use it themselves is relatively small, accounting for only 14%. Among the respondents who have used it,There are also quite a few differences about the utility of ChatGPTAbout 4 out of 10 indicated that ChatGPT could provide some help, while a quarter of respondents thought ChatGPT was of little use.

Specifically, 18% of American adults have heard a lot of news about ChatGPT, 39% have heard some, and 42% have never heard of it at all.

Source: Pew Research Center

**If you divide by level of education, generally speaking, the higher your level of education, the more familiar you are with ChatGPT.

Among those with master's degrees, 32% had heard a lot of relevant news, but 47% said they had heard some, accounting for nearly 80% of the total. Among those with a bachelor's degree, this percentage reached about 71%, compared to about 41% of respondents with a high school degree or below.

If broken down by household income, respondents from wealthy families were more familiar with ChatGPT.

It is worth noting that it may be due to concerns about AI technology.There are very few people who actually practice it, and even fewer actually use it in their work.

According to the results of this survey, only 14% of American adults have tried ChatGPT. Among those who have heard of ChatGPT, 19% say they have used ChatGPT for entertainment, while 14% say they have used ChatGPT to learn new things, while among American adults who have heard of ChatGPT and have jobs,About one-tenth have used it at work.

Source: Pew Research Center

About the usefulness of ChatGPTNor are people's thoughts consistent. Among them, the number of people who thought ChatGPT was extremely useful and very useful reached about 15% and 20%, respectively, while 39% thought ChatGPT was of some use, but about a quarter of the people said that ChatGPT was not very useful, and even 6% bluntly stated that ChatGPT was of no use at all.

Source: Pew Research Center


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