

A strong push of the rise in US stocks! Figure secret which enterprise repurchase strength

Futu News ·  May 31, 2023 17:25

Recently, US stocks face serious challenges, debt ceiling negotiations are heavy, regional banking crisis is still not completely subsided, the potential recession may gradually gradually, and the market pessimism is becoming stronger.

In this context, corporate repurchases provide important support for US stocks, becoming one of the strongest long forces on the market.

In the past decade, US-listed companies repurchased stocks in a large amount, and even applied financial leverage to the extreme through debt repurchases, leading to negative net assets insolvent.

According to CNBC statistics, some companies are still able to repurchase shares without relying heavily on debt. The Meta has repurchased up to 3.3% of the total market value this year, and its debt accounts for only 18.5% of capital.


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