
盘中速览 | 港股高开低走,恒指、科指纷纷转跌;汽车股、基建股逆市上涨,中国中铁涨超6%

Intraday quick overview | Hong Kong stocks opened higher and fell, and the Hang Seng Index and the Stock Index turned down one after another; automobile stocks and infrastructure stocks went against the market, and China Railway rose more than 6%

Futu News ·  May 30, 2023 10:42

Futu News reported on May 30 that the three major Hong Kong stock indices opened higher and lower. As of press release, the Hang Seng Index fell 0.39%, Hang Seng Technology fell 0.04%, and the State-owned Enterprises Index fell 0.3%.

On the sector side, most large technology stocks have weakened.NetEase and Meituan fell more than 1%, Tencent fell nearly 1%, Ali rose slightly, and Kuaishou rose more than 2%.

Auto stocks are generally rising,Zero Sports Auto rose more than 4%, BYD shares rose more than 2%, and Geely Automobile, Ideal Auto, Xiaopeng Motor, etc. rose nearly 2%.

Infrastructure stocks continue to pick up,China Railway rose more than 6%, China Railway Construction rose more than 4%, and China Alcoa International and China Metallurgical rose more than 3%.

Some domestic housing stocks have risen,Sunac China rose more than 5%, Kaizhaoye Group rose more than 2%, and Hejingtaifu rose more than 1%.

Shipping and port concept stocks weakened,Pacific Shipping and Dongfang Overseas International fell nearly 3%, while China Ship Leasing and China Merchants Port fell more than 2%.

In terms of individual stocks,$BYD COMPANY (01211.HK)$An increase of nearly 3%. The company responded that it independently developed fuel vapor emission control technology for normal pressure fuel tanks, which can meet evaporation emission regulations.

$CRRC (01766.HK)$It rose nearly 7%. Institutions say that the AH premium for the Chinese character has risen to a high level in 16 years. Keep an eye out for opportunities in the Hong Kong stock market to make up for the rise.


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