

Yuxing Technology (08005.HK) plans to sell land and properties for US$110 million

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 29, 2023 22:09

Gelonghui May 29 丨 Yuxing Technology (08005.HK) issued an announcement. On May 29, 2023, the seller (an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the company)The buyer, Prime Date Centers, LLC, has signed the agreement. According to this, the buyer conditionally agreed to the acquisition and the seller conditionally agreed to sell the land and property at a cost of 110 million US dollars.

The land and properties to be sold include: (a). Real estate located at 6580 Via Del Oro, San Jose, California, zip code: 95119, with an area of approximately 4.725 acres; and (b). A one-story mission-critical data center building with a land area of approximately 80,158 square feet.

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