

Filihua (300395.SZ): The company's fused silica glass materials for semiconductors have been certified by the three major international semiconductor manufacturers and equipment vendors of Tokyo Electronics, Fanlin R&D, and Applied Materials, and Hitachi

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 26, 2023 19:52

Gelonghui May 26 丨On May 25, 2023, at 14:30-16:35 p.m., Filihua (300395.SZ) participated in the 2023 online group reception day for investors of listed companies in the Hubei region. During the exchange session, “What are the applications of quartz materials in the semiconductor field? What is the company's position in the industry? What are the advantages of R&D?” The company replied that quartz glass materials and products are widely used in semiconductor chip manufacturing processes, and are carrier devices and cavity consumables required for semiconductor etching, diffusion, oxidation, etc. The company's aerated silica glass materials for semiconductors have been certified by Japan's Tokyo Electronics Co., Ltd. (TEL), Fanlin Research (LAMResearch), and Applied Materials (AMAT), and Hitachi High-Tech. Shanghai Shichuang's quartz glass products have been certified by mainstream domestic semiconductor equipment manufacturers. Adhering to the core values of focus, integrity, innovation and enterprising, the company drives development by innovation. It focuses on the development needs of the semiconductor industry, relies on independent innovation platforms, insists on independent research and development, and continuously makes breakthroughs in the field of technology research and development to meet the domestic semiconductor industry's demand for high-performance quartz glass materials and products.

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