
A股收评: 沪指跌0.1%险守3200点 人工智能板块尾盘回暖 长城汽车跌6%

A-share review: Shanghai index fell 0.1% and narrowly stayed at 3,200 points, the artificial intelligence sector picked up at the end of the session, Great Wall Motor fell 6%

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 25, 2023 15:05
Gelonghui, May 25, 丨 The three major indices closed down collectively. The Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.11% to 3201 points, the SZSE Index fell 0.22%, and the GEM Index fell 0.05%. 2,032 shares in the two markets rose and 2,738 shares fell, trading 856.9 billion yuan throughout the day, and Beishang Capital made net sales of 8.431 billion yuan. On the market, auto stocks fell collectively. Great Wall Motor reported that BYD dived and fell nearly 6%; the recent recurrence of the epidemic and the recovery of domestic demand fell short of market expectations. Savings in consumer stocks such as hotels, travel, food, liquor, and restaurants were sluggish; gaming, film and television stocks, and e-commerce stocks, which have surged recently, have declined sharply; the big financial sector continues to decline, and many stocks such as coal mining, oil, and real estate have weakened. In addition, the artificial intelligence sector picked up at the end of the session, and Nvidia's Q1 performance exceeded expectations, and the chip, CPO concept, liquid-cooled server, and ChatGPT concept also rose higher. Cambridge Technology stopped rising and reached a record high; silicon price+peak season was approaching, and PV stocks went up and down, Ningbo Energy and Hangzhou Thermal Power rose and stopped; gas stocks pulled up in the afternoon, starting the “summer market”, and the electricity and consumer electronics sectors rose higher, starting the “summer market”.

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