

Honghe Technology (002955.SZ): The concerted action relationship expired and some shareholders re-signed the concerted action agreement

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 23, 2023 19:19

Gelonghui May 23 丨Honghe Technology (002955.SZ) announcedRecently, I received the “Notice Concerning Withdrawal from the 'Concerted Action Agreement'” issued by Zhang Shujiang. The concerted action relationship between Xing Xiuqing, Xing Zheng, Hongda Co., Ltd., and Zhang Shujiang expired on May 22, 2023. Zhang Shujiang did not renew his contract due to personal reasons. Xing Xiuqing, Hongda Co., Ltd., and Xing Zheng signed a new “Concerted Action Agreement”. After the original concerted action relationship expired and terminated, the number and proportion of company shares held by Xing Xiuqing, Xing Zheng, Hongda Co., Ltd., and Zhang Shujiang each remained unchanged, and the company's shares held by Zhang Shujiang were no longer calculated in conjunction with the other original co-actors mentioned above.

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