

Consumer stocks such as automobiles, liquor, hotels and restaurants, and duty-free goods have collectively strengthened

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 22, 2023 10:51
Glonghui, May 22丨In auto stocks, BAIC Blue Valley and NIO rose nearly 6%; in liquor stocks, Luzhou Laojiao rose nearly 6%, Gujing Gongjiu and Wuliangye rose more than 4%, and Maotai rose nearly 3%; in hotels and restaurants, Tongqinglou rose more than 5%, Jinjiang Hotel and Xiabuxiabu rose more than 4%; duty-free stocks in China were exempt from rising more than 3%. According to statistics, more than 180 consumer industry companies in Shanghai achieved revenue of 768.9 billion yuan in the first quarter, an increase of 8.71% over the previous year; net profit was 57.7 billion yuan, an increase of 16.20% over the previous year, with impressive performance growth.

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