
港股异动 | 东方海外国际(00316)尾盘跌近4% 大摩下调今明两年收入预期 维持“减持”评级

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Dongfang Overseas International (00316) fell nearly 4% at the end of the session, and Daimo lowered its revenue expectations for this year and next two years to maintain a “reduced holdings” rating

Zhitong Finance ·  May 16, 2023 15:57

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Dongfang Overseas International (00316) fell nearly 4% at the end of the session. As of press release, it fell 3.52% to HK$153.5, with a turnover of HK$190 million.

According to the news, Daimo released a research report saying that Dongfang Overseas's revenue forecasts for this year and next year were lowered by 27% and 26% respectively to take into account the lower freight rates and volume due to weak global trade; cut its costs for this year and next year by 31% and 32% respectively, while adjusting the company's net profit forecasts for this year and next year to decrease 10.1% and increase 10.4% respectively. Daimo raised the target price of Dongfang Overseas International from HK$119.9 to HK$131.9, maintaining its “reduced holdings” rating.

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