
港股异动 | 博彩股普涨 澳博控股涨1% 多家博企Q1业绩增长

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Gaming stocks generally rose, Aibo Holdings rose 1%, and the Q1 performance of many gaming companies increased

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 16, 2023 10:59
Glonghui, May 16, 丨 International Entertainment rose 7%, Huicai Holdings and MGM China rose 4%, Macau International Development rose 3%, and Wynn Macau and Macau Holdings rose 1%. A number of blogging companies have successively released their first-quarter results. Macau Holdings announced yesterday that net gaming revenue for the first quarter was HK$3.705 billion, an increase of 57.7% over the previous year; Wynn Macau achieved total operating revenue of 600 million US dollars in the first quarter, an increase of 101 times over the previous year; MGM China's net revenue for the first quarter was US$618 million, an increase of 130% over the previous year; and the total operating revenue for the first quarter was US$716.5 million, an increase of about 51% over the previous year.

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