
美股异动 | 盛丰物流(SFWL.US)涨超17% 总市值6.59亿美元

Changes in US stocks | Shengfeng Logistics (SFWL.US) rose more than 17% with a total market capitalization of US$659 million

Zhitong Finance ·  May 12, 2023 22:32

The Zhitong Finance App learned that on Friday, the stock price of Shengfeng Logistics (SFWL.US) continued to rise. As of press release, the stock had risen more than 17% to 8 US dollars. The transaction volume exceeded 1.09 million. The stock currently has a total market capitalization of $659 million. Since listing in April, the share has traded at a minimum of $2.94 and a maximum of $12.45.

Established in 2001, Shengfeng Logistics is a comprehensive logistics enterprise focusing on domestic cargo storage, road transportation and urban distribution. The company is based on contract logistics and focuses on key industries. Based on warehousing and distribution solution capabilities, with warehousing networks and road transportation as the core, we promote the layout of logistics networks across the country.

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