
港股异动 | 博彩股午后走低 美高梅中国(02282)跌超11% 新濠国际发展(00200)跌超9%

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Gaming stocks fell in the afternoon MGM China (02282) fell more than 11%, and Macau International Development (00200) fell more than 9%

Zhitong Finance ·  May 3, 2023 14:16

The Zhitong Finance App learned that the decline in gaming stocks widened in the afternoon. As of press release, MGM China (02282) fell 11.43% to HK$9.53; Xinhao International Development (00200) fell 9.27% to HK$8.52; Aibo Holdings (00880) fell 6.59% to HK$3.83; and Huicai Holdings (01180) fell 6.45% to HK$0.87.

HSBC Research previously released a research report saying that the decline in stock prices in the gaming industry reflects market concerns that a new wave of COVID-19 may occur, but the bank believes that the market is overly concerned. The bank expects that the May 1st Golden Week holiday will support short-term stock price performance, but in the long run, potential visa restrictions and tightening of capital controls may drag down their growth.

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