
马化腾出任青腾大学荣誉校长 启动「北大-青腾未来产业学堂」

腾讯科技 ·  Apr 23, 2019 20:07

On April 23, Qingteng University's strategic upgrade press conference and Peking University - Qingteng Future Industry Academy launch ceremony were held at Tencent Binhai Building in Shenzhen. Qingteng University announced the launch of a third strategic upgrade, upgrading the original science, culture and creativity, and business schools into three graduate schools. Ma Huateng, chairman of the board of directors and CEO of Tencent, will become the honorary president of Qingteng University and establish the Qingteng University Committee. At the press conference, Qingteng University and Peking University's Guanghua School of Management jointly unveiled the first industrial Internet classroom in China, “Peking University - Qingteng Future Industry Academy”, to explore the “China Plan” in the digital economy era.

Wang Lixin, Vice Mayor and Party Member of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, Ma Huateng, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Tencent, Yang Guoan, Dean of Qingteng University, Dean of the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, Professor of Finance, Liu Qiao, Senior Executive Vice President of Tencent, Tang Daosheng, Vice Dean of Guanghua School of Management, Professor of Market Strategy and Behavioral Science, Zhang Ying, Vice President of Tencent, Lin Songtao, Vice President of Tencent, Tencent Zhang Ying, Vice President of Tencent, Ding Ke, Tencent Investment Managing partner Li Zhaohui, Tencent investment management partner Lin Haifeng, Tencent's general manager of Qingteng University, and Wang Lan, general manager of Tencent's Qingteng University, and more than 100 entrepreneurs from Qingteng University attended the press conference.

Qingteng University launches third upgrade, Ma Huateng becomes honorary president

Wang Lixin, deputy mayor of the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, said in his opening address, “Entrepreneurs are important subjects of economic activity and an important force for innovation. Qingteng University is an industry-university-research innovation and entrepreneurship education brand built by Tencent and top institutions inside and outside the United Nations. It is an important platform for implementing the strategy of a strong nation in science and technology and building a modern economic system, fully demonstrating the responsibility, innovative spirit and foresight of Shenzhen entrepreneurs.”

Wang Lixin, Deputy Mayor of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government

“The Internet in China has reached a turning point. The aging population will bring us some challenges, but at the same time, it will also bring opportunities, promoting a shift in economic development momentum from past demographic dividends to innovation-driven.” Ma Huateng said in his speech entitled “Developments and Trends in the Next Five Years,” Ma Huateng said that starting in 2015, the country proposed the “Internet +” action plan, then later proposed the “digital economy,” then “digital China,” the Chinese economy has benefited from the demographic dividend in the past, and will rely more on innovation dividends in the future.

Ma Huateng, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Tencent

At the press conference, Yang Guoan, senior management consultant of Tencent Group and dean of Qingteng University, announced that Qingteng University will launch a third strategic upgrade. The upgrade is mainly reflected in the following three points:

First, upgrade the original three universities to three graduate schools, including the College of Commerce, the College of Science and Technology, and the School of Culture and Innovation. The three different colleges help companies on three different tracks.

Second, the School Committee of Qingteng University was established, with Ma Huateng as the honorary president to guide the future development of Qingteng University. School committee members will provide the most direct and practical help to Qingteng students and promote the growth of the industry through ecological construction, resource connections, and experience sharing.

Third, the Peking University - Qingteng Future Industry Academy, which collaborates with Peking University's Guanghua School of Management and Tencent Qingteng University, was officially announced. Through Peking University Guanghua, Tencent, and Qingteng students, the “China Plan” for co-creating industry promotion in the digital age through Peking University Guanghua, Tencent, and Qingteng students.

Yang Guoan, senior management consultant of Tencent Group and dean of Qingteng University

Join hands with Peking University Guanghua, a top business school to open China's first industrial Internet academy

School-enterprise linkage has always been Qingteng University's unique model for running schools. Driven by the digital China wave and Tencent's open strategy, Qingteng University joined hands with Peking University's Guanghua School of Management, one of the best business schools in the Asia-Pacific region, to jointly build China's first industrial Internet academy - “Peking University - Qingteng Future Industry Academy”. The academy relies on the advanced academic and theoretical system of Peking University's Guanghua School of Management and Tencent's 20 years of thinking and best practices in the digital economy, providing a fully connected structure for industrial upgrading made up of mentors, courses, community, and service Communication platform.

Liu Qiao, dean of Peking University's Guanghua School of Management, expressed his expectations and confidence in the cooperation between the two sides in his speech. He said that Tencent has accumulated strong strength and rich practical experience in the Internet field over 20 years, and has made many benchmark practices in helping various partners achieve digital transformation and expand the digital economy ecosystem. As a first-class business school in Asia, Peking University's Guanghua School of Management has a rich cultural heritage, and has always paid attention to cutting-edge issues and major key issues in China's reform and opening up and economic and social development. The two sides can complement each other's strengths. For some time to come, Guanghua School of Management, Qingteng University, and the Shenzhen Municipal Government will cooperate in multiple dimensions, making greater contributions to the future development of China's economy and society.

Liu Qiao, Dean of Guanghua School of Management and Professor of Finance, Peking University

The digital economy has become a key force in China's implementation of major national strategies, and is of great significance in implementing supply-side reforms and innovation-driven development strategies. Accelerating the digitalization and intelligence of traditional industries, expanding and strengthening the digital economy, and expanding new space for economic development will become important growth points for the Chinese economy in the future. “Peking University - Qingteng Future Industry Academy” will bring together leading enterprises and industry leaders in the entire digital transformation industry chain to explore new models of industry-university-research cooperation and collaborative innovation, build a new forward-looking and open industrial ecosystem, and find “China's solutions” in the digital economy era.

Under the new situation of technological innovation, industrial integration, and policy support, education, as one of the most innovative and dynamic fields, is unleashing strong development momentum. Judging from Tencent's development path, innovation has always been Tencent's DNA. Therefore, Qingteng University came into being by focusing on sharing experiences, disseminating excellence, and opening up resources for Tencent's own business for 20 years.

Up to now, Qingteng University has run six academic courses, three graduate schools for business, technology, culture and creativity, and has established an official alumni association, Qingteng Hui, covering 288 outstanding founders and entrepreneurs. The total valuation of student enterprises has exceeded 650 billion yuan. Participants include Huang Zheng of Pinduoduo, Zhang Xuanning of Yonghui supermarket, Qu Fang of Xiaohongshu, Ma Dong of Mi Wei Media, and Luo Zhenyu of Luo Ji Siwei.

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