
迪威尔(688377):Q1业绩略低预期 长期成长趋势持续

Dewell (688377): Q1 performance was slightly lower and long-term growth is expected to continue

廣發證券 ·  Apr 21, 2023 15:41  · Researches

Core views:

The company released its annual report for '22 and the quarterly report for '23. Revenue for the full year of '22 was 993 million yuan, up 86% year on year; Guimu's net profit was 121 million yuan, up 277% year on year; 23Q1 company's revenue was 271 million yuan, up 35.2% year on year, and Guimu's net profit was 30 million yuan, up 0.11% year on year. The Q23 Q1 performance fell short of expectations due to fluctuations in raw material prices and how stock payments were factored in.

The main reasons why 23Q1's performance fell short of expectations: molybdenum prices fluctuated greatly in the first quarter and direct material costs rose; the company began to include stock payments in the second quarter of '22, and 23Q1's management fee rate increased compared to the same period last year; the company's new production capacity of 7,000-ton forging machines climbed one after another, affected by later finishing capacity, and the overall capacity utilization rate was insufficient. The company actively improved its gross profit margin by increasing its share of high-end products. In '22, the company's deep-sea equipment accounted for 37%, an increase of 10% over the same period last year. It is expected that the gross margin level will continue to improve as production capacity climbs end.

The global deep-water oil and gas market is picking up, the company's products are breaking through, and production capacity is about to be released. The boom in deep-sea mining recovered in '23, and major international oil companies increased their investment in exploration and development. According to the company's annual report, deep-water investment now accounts for more than 50% of international oil companies' offshore investments, and deep-water oil and gas production has become an important part of it. The company's business structure is also continuously optimized, products are continuously innovated and processes are being extended. The company's orders for high-value-added products continue to rise, and orders in the deep-sea sector continue to increase. In particular, orders for “parts” to “parts” for deep-sea connectors operating 3,000 meters underwater in the deep sea of Brazil continue to grow. By the end of the reporting period, the company had accepted orders for special parts for 198 deep-sea oil and gas projects. Product breakthroughs and production capacity release are imminent, and the company is expected to continue to grow at a medium to high growth rate in the future.

Profit forecast and investment advice: The company's net profit for 2023-2025 is estimated to be 2.02/303/451 million, respectively, and the corresponding P/E is 28.4/18.9/12.7 times, respectively. Considering that the company's on-hand orders are full, the growth rate of production capacity release performance in the next 3 years will be high. The company was given 35xPE in '23, corresponding to a reasonable value of 36.4 yuan/share, maintaining the company's “bought” investment rating.

Risk warning: risk of falling crude oil and natural gas prices; increased risk of industry competition; rising raw material costs, etc.

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