

Beishui continued to sell Tencent more than HK$300 million and bought more than HK$200 million of Medicom Biotech; Nanshui reduced its holdings of China Unicom by more than 300 million yuan

Futu News ·  Apr 19, 2023 17:45

On April 19, 2023, Southbound Capital made a net purchase of HK$2,966 million.$TRACKER FUND OF HONG KONG (02800.HK)$,$Hang Seng H-Share Index ETF (02828.HK)$,$WUXI BIO (02269.HK)$Net purchases were received of HK$1,107 million, HK$406 million and HK$222 million respectively.$TENCENT (00700.HK)$Net sales topped the list, with an amount of HK$365 million.

Furthermore, Nanxia Capital made net sales of 151 million dollars today$CHINA MOBILE (00941.HK)$The Hong Kong dollar ended the previous trend of net purchases for 4 consecutive days (cumulatively exceeding HK$2 billion).

Northbound Capital made net sales of 916 million yuan today.$NAURA Technology Group (002371.SZ)$,$LONGi Green Energy Technology (601012.SH)$,$China United Network Communications (600050.SH)$Net sales were 619 million yuan, 509 million yuan, and 354 million yuan respectively;$Focus Media Information Technology (002027.SZ)$It bucked the trend and received a net purchase of 262 million yuan.


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