

Beishui continues to drastically increase China Mobile's holdings by more than HK$1 billion and Tencent sells more than HK$700 million; Nanshui buys Ningde Shidai for more than 400 million yuan

Futu News ·  Apr 17, 2023 17:47

On April 17, 2023, Southbound Capital made a net purchase of HK$7.427 billion.$TRACKER FUND OF HONG KONG (02800.HK)$,$Hang Seng H-Share Index ETF (02828.HK)$,$CHINA MOBILE (00941.HK)$Net purchases were received of HK$3.12 billion, HK$1,373 million, and HK$1.02 billion respectively. Net sales$TENCENT (00700.HK)$It ranked first, with an amount of HK$720 million.

Northbound Capital made a net purchase of 1,918 million yuan today.$Contemporary Amperex Technology (300750.SZ)$,$China Tourism Group Duty Free Corporation (601888.SH)$, each received a net purchase$Kweichow Moutai (600519.SH)$Invested 469 million yuan, 440 million yuan, and 271 million yuan.$East Money Information (300059.SZ)$Net sales topped the list, with an amount of $717 million.


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