
做空报告遭打脸 摩根大通维持优信(UXIN.US)“增持”评级

智通财经网 ·  Apr 18, 2019 20:44

Recently, J Capital Research (J Capital Research) released a shorting report on UXIN.US (UXIN.US), the first stock of domestic used car e-commerce. After the shorting report was released, the stock price of Youxin Group changed drastically. On April 18, local time in the US, J.P. Morgan (J.P. Morgan), a world-renowned investment bank, also released an analysis report on this matter, refuting each of the four aspects of the shorting report's transaction volume data, vehicle supply data, whether founder Dai Kun has cashed out, and the future prospects of Youxin.

Analysts expect Youxin to be profitable or break even in the fourth quarter of 2019. J.P. Morgan also gave UXIN an increase in holdings (Overweight) rating, with a target price of $8. This is why the analyst firm has been bullish on Youxin many times since it went public.


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