

The Yangtze River Industrial Fund arranged Faraday's future industry in Huanggang, and it is still uncertain when Jia Yueting will return home

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 31, 2023 00:09
On March 30, Faraday Future officially announced for the first time the commencement of mass production of the FF 91 Futurist model. Jia Yueting, founder of Faraday Future, said that the new car will be delivered in three categories and in three stages. However, sources related to Faraday Future said that Jia Yueting has not set a time for his return home yet. Earlier, on January 18, 2023, the Huanggang Municipal Government of Hubei Province and Faraday Future announced at the same time that the two sides had reached a “Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement” to promote the company's strategic implementation in both China and the US. The two sides will not only jointly promote Faraday's future industrial layout in Huanggang, but will also establish its China headquarters in Huanggang. According to sources related to Faraday Future, Faraday Future is now able to sign a contract with Huanggang, Hubei, and the Hubei Yangtze River Economic Belt Industrial Fund has played a huge role in this.

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