
中国飞鹤(6186.HK)年产能提高至307,000吨 将新建工厂持续扩大产能

China Feihe (6186.HK) increased its annual production capacity to 307,000 tons and built a new plant to continue to expand production capacity

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 30, 2023 08:16
Gelonghui, March 30 丨 China Feihe released its 2022 full-year performance report. The report shows that the company continues to optimize its production schedule to increase its production capacity and efficiency. At the end of the reporting period, it had ten production facilities to produce its products, with a total design capacity of about 307,000 tons per year. The company regularly upgrades and expands its production facilities to meet production needs. Additionally, the company is constructing a new production facility (Qiqihar factory).

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