
机构:AI人才需求猛增 谷歌年薪最高达190万元人民币

Agencies: Demand for AI talents soared, Google's annual salary reached 1.9 million yuan

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 28, 2023 20:02
Gelonghui, March 28 | A “ChatGPT Related Field Employment Insight Report” from the Big Data Research Institute for the Search and Employment of Big Data Research shows that the growth trend of Internet talent demand has been flat in the past five years, but AI has risen rapidly overall after 2020. Among them, in the fourth quarter of last year, the number of new AI jobs added 2.74 times that of the first quarter of 2018, while the Internet is only 1.06 times that of the first quarter of 2018. If you search for keywords such as “AIGC” from the recruitment network, you can directly find that companies such as ByteDance, Baidu, and Good Future have clear demand for positions such as “algorithm engineer” and “AIGC application expert”, with a monthly salary of up to 80,000 yuan. On the overseas side, Silicon Valley giants are also competing for AI talents. Among them, Google gives senior software engineers of large language models an annual salary of 174,000 to 276,000 US dollars (about 1.2 million to 1.9 million yuan); Microsoft's annual salary range for related positions also reached 133,000 to 256,000 US dollars per year (about 910,000 to 1.76 million yuan).

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