
港股异动 | 创梦天地(01119)涨近9%领涨游戏股 3月进口及国产游戏版号密集下发

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Dream World (01119) rose nearly 9%, leading game stock imports in March and intensive distribution of domestic game versions

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 28, 2023 15:45

The Zhitong Finance App learned that some game stocks were higher. As of press release, Dream World (01119) rose 8.47% to HK$3.97; Tencent (00700) rose 4.24% to HK$378; IGG (00799) rose 3.37% to HK$2.76; Jinshan Software (03888) rose 2.25% to HK$38.6; NetEase S (09999) rose 1.89% to HK$140.

According to the news, on March 20, the National Press and Publication Administration released the approval information for imported online games in 2023. A total of 27 games were approved. On March 23, the National Press and Publication Administration officially released the approval information for domestic online games in March. A total of 86 domestic online games were issued.

According to a report published by Guotai Junan, imported and domestic versions were distributed intensively in March, the idea of normalizing version numbers was clear, and the product cycle was accelerated to drive the recovery of the industry. China Galaxy Securities, on the other hand, said that in the short term, as a new round of product cycles begins, the positive signals released by the profit side superposition policy side are expected to boost the valuation of the game industry. In the long run, AIGC is expected to help game manufacturers achieve low-cost, high-quality mass production of scenes and original pictures, thereby reducing costs and improving efficiency for game manufacturers.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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