
泰和小贷(01915)发布年度业绩 股东应占亏损962.2万元 同比盈转亏

Taihe and Microfinance (01915) announced annual results, shareholders' attributable loss of 9.622 million yuan, profit and loss over the same period last year

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 24, 2023 19:00

According to the Zhitong Finance App, Taihe and Microfinance (01915) announced its annual results for the year ending December 31, 2022. The group's interest income was RMB 51.909 million (same unit below), down 14.3% from the previous year; shareholders accounted for a loss of 9.622 million yuan, while profit was 4,561 million yuan in the same period last year; a loss of 0.02 yuan per share.

According to the announcement, the profit and loss was mainly due to the continued impact of the novel coronavirus epidemic on the local economy in 2022, a decrease in interest income from the company's loan business, an increase in loan impairment losses, and an increase in the expansion and promotion expenses of subsidiary companies.

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