

Beishui continues to increase Tencent's holdings by nearly HK$1.1 billion and sells SMIC over HK$200 million; Nanshui bucked the trend and bought Lixun Precision by over 400 million yuan

Futu News ·  Mar 24, 2023 17:45

On March 24, 2023, Southbound Capital made a net purchase of HK$6.15 billion today.$TRACKER FUND OF HONG KONG (02800.HK)$,$TENCENT (00700.HK)$,$Hang Seng H-Share Index ETF (02828.HK)$Net purchases were HK$1.56 billion, HK$1.07 billion and HK$624 million respectively.$SMIC (00981.HK)$Net sales topped the list, with a value of HK$206 million.

Note: Since March 6, Southbound has net bought Tencent for 15 consecutive trading days, with a cumulative total of over HK$11 billion.

On March 24, 2023, Northbound Capital sold a net sale of 235 million yuan.$Foxconn Industrial Internet (601138.SH)$,$Hithink RoyalFlush Information Network (300033.SZ)$,$Unigroup Guoxin Microelectronics (002049.SZ)$Net sales of 700 million yuan, 635 million yuan and 518 million yuan respectively;$Luxshare Precision Industry (002475.SZ)$It bucked the trend and received a net purchase of 439 million yuan.


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