
港A两市游戏股走强 3月共86款国产游戏版号获批

Game stocks in Hong Kong and A markets strengthened, and a total of 86 domestic game versions were approved in March

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 24, 2023 10:21
Gelonghui, March 24 丨 Gaming stocks in the Hong Kong A market strengthened. Among Hong Kong stocks, Jinshan Software rose more than 8%, NetEase rose more than 2%, Tencent, Bilibili, China Mobile Games, and IGG rose more than 1%; among A-shares, 360 rose and stopped, Kunlun Wanwei rose more than 9%, Topway Information rose more than 7%, Shengtian Network and Tom Cat rose more than 6%, Giants Network, 37 Entertainment, etc. rose one after another. According to the news, the National Press and Publication Administration released approval information for domestic online games in March 2023. A total of 86 games were approved. Dream World's “Karapicchu”, “Star Life Park” by 37 Mutual Entertainment, “Mission Zero” by NetEase, “Monopoly 11” by the Chinese mobile game, and “Last Sword” by Tencent are on the list.

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