
Intuitive Surgical(ISRG.US)获William Blair首次覆盖,给予优于大市评级

Intuitive Gains (ISRG.US) was covered by William Blair for the first time, giving it a better rating than the market

Stock Star ·  Mar 23, 2023 20:45

Intuitive Gains (ISRG.US) was covered by William Blair for the first time, giving it an superior rating to the market.

Intuitive Surgery Company (ISRG.US) Company Profile: Intuitive Surgery develops, manufactures and sells Leonardo da Vinci surgical systems, as well as related instruments and accessories for invasive surgery. Its products include Leonardo da Vinci and Ions. The company was founded in November 1995 by Frederic H. Moll, John Gordon Freund, and Robert G. Young, and is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California.

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