
A股异动 | 中航电测跌超4% Q4净利同比大降一倍

Changes in A-shares | AVIC measured a decline of more than 4%, and Q4 net profit doubled year-on-year

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 22, 2023 13:39
Gelonghui, March 22, 丨 China Aviation Electric Test (300114.SZ) fell more than 4% to 48.33 yuan, with a total market value of 28.5 billion yuan. The company announced last night that net profit for 2022 fell 37.18% to 193 million yuan, and it plans to distribute 0.3 yuan per 10. Among them, the main revenue for the fourth quarter was 451 million yuan, an increase of 13.3% over the previous year; however, the net profit of the mother was 1,7969 million yuan, a sharp decrease of 104.54% over the previous year. It is worth mentioning that the stock price crash on the 10th of this month triggered widespread concern among small and medium-sized investors about whether the acquisition of Chengfei Group changed? The company's restructuring is progressing normally.

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