
中国建材(03323.HK):北新建材2022年净利润31.36亿元 同比下降10.71%

China Building Materials (03323.HK): Beixin Materials's net profit of 3.136 billion yuan in 2022 decreased 10.71% year-on-year

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 22, 2023 06:14

Gelonghui March 22nd 丨China Building Materials (03323.HK) announced that Beixin Building Materials (000786.SZ) achieved operating income of RMB 19.034 billion in 2022, down 5.49% from the previous year (after adjustment); net profit attributable to shareholders of Beixin Building Materials was 3.136 billion yuan, down 10.71% from the previous year (after adjustment); net profit attributable to shareholders of Beixin Building Materials after deducting non-recurring profit and loss was RMB 2,615 million, down 23.39% from the previous year (after adjustment); basic earnings per share were 1.856 yuan.

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